What “They” Did to Novak Djokovic

3 min readJan 29, 2023


The Australian Prime Minister said Djokovic would be sent on the next plane home if he was not vaccinated.

The Australian Border Force detained Djokovic at a state-run immigration facility because he was not vaccinated.

Newscorp conducted a survey that revealed that 83% of Australians wanted Novak Djokovic to be deported.

The Australian Government deported Djokovic from Australia because of his COVID-19 vaccination status.

Martina Navratilova said Djokovic should have put others’ health before his ambitions, and she can’t defend his choice not to get vaccinated.

Sam Groth said Djokovic was spitting on the face of every Australian because he was not vaccinated.

Ben Rothenberg said Djokovic is “Entrenching himself as an anti-vax poster boy.”

Howard Stern called Djokovic a fucking asshole who should be thrown out of tennis because he was not vaccinated.

Howard Bryant of ESPN called Djokovic a profile of selfishness because he was not vaccinated.

Rafa Nadal said Djokovic deserves not to play at the Australian Open.

Piers Morgan called Djokovic a covid rule cheat, immigration form liar, and anti-vaxxer icon.

Mia Farrow said Djokovic was dangerous.

Max Boot of the Washington Post wrote, “Djokovic is another whiny sports superstar with an exaggerated sense of entitlement.”

Pam Shriver said Djokovic decision not to get vaccinated was bad for tennis and that he did not lead by example.

Tumaini Carayol of the Guardian said Djokovic was looking for a loophole not to get vaccinated.

Henry Mance of the FT called Djokovic a fool and wrote that Djokovic shows we can’t eliminate anti-vaxxers — but we can judge them.

London Evening Standard called Djokovic the world’s most divisive athlete.

The Tennis Authorities prevented Djokovic from competing for 10,000 ranking points in 2022.

Jemele Hill wrote in the Atlantic that Djokovic was an anti-vaccine selfish athlete who’d rather create chaos than get a shot.

Sergio Palmieri said, “Novak Djokovic is not a good role model for young players, he has not caught up with Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal in this regard.”

Rebecca Maddern, a Channel 7 journalist, said Djokovic was a lying, sneaky asshole.

Mike Amor, a Channel 7 journalist, said Djokovic got a bullshit fucking excuse and fell over his fucking lies.

The Spectator called Djokovic a conspiracy super-spreader.

Peugeot and Ultimate Kronos Group ended their sponsorship with Djokovic.

The US Government prevented Djokovic from competing at the 2021 US Open because he was not vaccinated.

The US Government prevented Djokovic from competing at the 2021 Indian Wells because he was not vaccinated.

The US Government prevented Djokovic from competing at the 2021 Miami Open because he was not vaccinated.

The US Government prevented Djokovic from competing at the 2021 Cincinnati Masters because he was not vaccinated.

The Canadian Government prevented Djokovic from competing at the 2021 Canadian Open because he was not vaccinated.

They created the hashtag #DjokovicOut to get Djokovic deported from Australia.

They demoted Djokovic from the №1 ranked position, which he had held for 373 weeks.

They said Djokovic was a poster boy for anti-vaccine extremists.

They said Djokovic was faking his injury.

They called Djokovic fans “anti-vaxxer nut jobs.”

They rechristened Novak Djokovic: Novax DjoCovid.

How Did Djokovic Respond?

Djokovic shrugged his shoulders.

Djokovic harboured no bitterness.

Djokovic took it in his stride.

Djokovic went to Australian Open in 2023.

Djokovic beat all before him.

Djokovic lifted the trophy.

Djokovic silenced his distractors.

Djokovic cemented his legacy as the Greatest.

The Moral of the Djokovic’s Ordeal and His Response

Stick to your conviction and watch your haters eat their words.

#IdemoNole #Nolefam #Idemooo

By Ahmed Olayinka Sule, CFA


29 January 2023




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